
Family STAR maintains an active list of counselors/therapist who have some expertise in adoption-related issues. Our list continues to grow as we are continually adding resources all across the country. If you are looking for something particular let us know and we will do our best to help you find the resource you need.

ACE Support Group

What is A.C.E.? A.C.E. stands for: Adoptee Circle of Experience
An adoptee’s life is full of varying experiences. For some these experiences include security and stability, for others even if their adoption journey has been happy, it may include feelings of loss and separation. A.C.E. is a comfortable group to share these experiences with. A.C.E. hopes to enable all members to learn and grow from their experiences. The group also hopes to promote adoption awareness and provide mentoring for adopted children. A.C.E. promises to be a relaxed and enjoyable environment. Contact [email protected] for additional information.

S.O.F.I.A Support Group

SOFIA’s mission is to welcome families involved in all types of adoption, including private, agency, international, foster care, or kinship. SOFIA supports adoptive families in all stages of adoption. The support group offers information and education to adoptive families and the community at-large. Please feel free to email the group leaders at [email protected] with questions or with a request for support.

Making Connections – Adoptive Parent Support Group

The goal of this group is to provide support and education regarding day-to-day parenting strategies for adoptive parents. Adoptive parenting is different from parenting a birth child in many ways:

*Adoptive parents have to find a way to share hard truths with their children
*Adoptive parents have to manage differences in the family
*Adoptive parents may have a relationship with the birth family
*Adoptive parents may grieve their own losses and may need to help their children grieve their own losses
*Adoptive parents have to deal differently with external systems like schools, pediatricians, lawyers, agencies, etc.
*Adoptive parents may have to address issues of identity and development differently than biological parents

Making Connections meets the first Thursday of every month and all adoptive parents are welcome. Contact [email protected] for more information.


Family STAR has a children’s playroom and observation room which has a one-way mirror/window on the connecting wall that can be used for training or for therapy observation. This is a beautiful space and is open for therapeutic use.